All-In-One Podcast Production

Get more and better clients, amazing content for all your channels, authority in your niche… and all you’ll have to do is talk.

How It works

Set The Goals

The very first step in podcasting as a business owner or marketing manager is determining what work a podcast is going to do in your business. We use our Business Podcast Blueprints methodology to set an overarching podcast purpose, and optimize the show for specific outcomes that will make a bottom-line difference.

Design The Show

Next, we design a look and feel to your show with art and audio branding that integrates with your business, and presents your company in the best light to your clients, customers and colleagues. We’ll make sure you’re capturing great audio content, and create all of the materials you’ll need to share it.

Track The Results

As we get into production, we keep a close eye on your metrics – and not just downloads. Whatever job the podcast is supposed to be doing in your business, whether it’s generating leads, nurturing your existing audience, increasing your authority or something else entirely – that’s what we track and report on.

Ongoing Podcast Production

Your Podcast should be an easy and pleasant part of your workweek, and every episode should be adding measurable value to your business. That’s what we do, and here’s how we do it:

Not sure about what package might be right for you? Or are you thinking about starting with a season? Book a complimentary strategy session and let’s talk about it!

Podcast Seasons

If you want to test the aters of podcasting, or create a show for a specific purpose, like a book or product launch, nurturing a specific type of lead, or creating energy around an event like a summit or conference, then a podcast season might be the way to go!

A Podcast Season Includes:

  • Show concept and structure design
  • Audio and visual branding (Cover Art, Intro and Outro Music, Optional Voice Over)
  • Teaser episode
  • Production and show notes for 6 or 10 full episodes
  • 3 graphics for each episode
  • 3 text social shares for each episode
  • Podcast Hosting
  • Done-with-You submission to Apple and Spotify
  • Scheduling to the host and your website
  • Guest notification and sharing materials
  • MP4 Version for YouTube
  • Uploading to YouTube
  • As-needed strategy, tech support, recording advice and performance coaching.

6 Episodes


10 Episodes


Business Podcast Blueprints
Strategy and Action Plan

If you want more and better clients from your podcast, we can make that happen.

In a Business Podcasts Blueprints Strategy call, we’re going to dig into your entire podcast infrastructure, and:

  • Identify your key goals and the metrics that let you know if you’re meeting them,
  • Optimize your show to bring more value to your business,
  • Audit and review your current processes to save you time and money,
  • Provide feedback on your audio, content and promotions

This is a comprehensive deep-dive into your podcast and how it’s working for your business. After our conversation, we’ll prepare an in-depth report and action plan for you that includes:

  • A new episode guide and stats tracking infrastructure, with instructions on how to use them, so you can track your new KPIs
  • New or updated podcast operating Procedures to save you and your time effort and hassle.
  • A detailed review of your episodes, audio quality, podcast presentation and promotions.
  • A step-by-step action plan with specific steps you can take to update your show and get more value from it.

After receiving your report (which will take us about a week after our call!), you’ll have unlimited email support from the team at one stone creative for any help you need implementing the recommendations.

30 days after our first call, we’ll have a follow-up discussion to make sure you’re on the right track, and another one at 60 days.

If after 90 days you are not seeing positive outcomes from your podcast, we’ll revisit your KPI’s and optimization strategy – we’ll do this until it’s working for your business!

After you check out, you’ll be immediately directed to a booking link to schedule your first call!


I wouldn’t have to do any work, other than record something weekly.

I’ll be honest. I started the Spin Sucks podcast with some trepidation. We talked about it for years, but I couldn’t just seem to get my butt in gear to get it done. I kept hearing things such as less than one percent of podcasts are hosted by women (according to Libsyn) and also watched the trajectory of podcasting and yet…


But then the amazingly brilliant and easy-to-work with women from One Stone Creative told me there is more than enough content on the blog to create a podcast. They said, in fact, I wouldn’t have to do any work, other than record something weekly. They made it so easy, it was impossible to say no. Thanks to them, we’re here a year later.

Gini Dietrich

Founder and CEO, Arment Dietrich and Spin Sucks Pro

"If you have a podcast, there is no one better in the business"

I have been podcasting for several years. Three years ago I switched to One Sone Creative. Megan, Darla Fields, and the One Stone Team have been incredible!!

Megan provided invaluable guidance on podcasting best practices, leveraging my content and recommending improvements. Her advice was spot on. Darla and her team organize and produce each episode, related content and provide editing services. There is no one better in the business.

This is no ordinary recommendation. If you have a podcast, there is no one better in the business and their rates are more than reasonable. You will be happy once you switch or start a new podcast under One Stone’s guidance.

Thank you again to Megan, Darla and the rest of the One Stone Team!!!”

-Michael Volkov, Volkov Law Group

"...they bring not only efficiency to your podcast production but real value for your entire operation."

“The team of One Stone creative has been a pure joy to work with on my podcast network. They bring both professionalism and passion to being two of the top podcast producers and podcasting consultants around. If you are thinking about starting a podcast or have been podcasting for years as I have, they bring not only efficiency to your podcast production but real value for your entire operation. Two Thumbs up and Five Stars to  the entire team of One Stone Creative.”

Tom Fox

The Compliance Evangelist, The Compliance Podcast Network

"If I’d known that the podcasting process could be this easy and fun, I’d have started podcasting years ago."

One Stone Creative is a complete pleasure to work with. They make the process of podcasting completely seamless and frictionless for me. After I record audio, I share it with the One Stone Creative team and they do the rest. If I’d known that the podcasting process could be this easy and fun, I’d have started podcasting years ago. I recommend One Stone Creative with no reservations – they are absolutely the best.

-Lindsay Pedersen

Brand Strategist and Author

"Our podcast continues to increase in rankings and has brought so much new business.."

Megan and One Stone Creative do an amazing job with our podcast production! Our podcast continues to increase in rankings and has brought so much new business. Megan is quality-oriented and the utmost professional in all that she does. I’m so grateful for all the hard work she puts into the Career Can Do podcast!

-Mary Ann Faremouth

Executive Recruiter and Speaker